The product on display was cheese of top brands like britannia, amul... The actual package date of britannia cheese was 05/11(top left in the image), and it is clearly mentioned "best before 9 months of packaged date" (bottom left in the image), so it ends on feb 2012, but the new label pasted by reliance shows packed on 15.9.22, first question is what date is this? Did they make mistake of typing 22 instead of 11? Ok assuming it was a mistake on the year, and correct date is 15.9.11. Since the date is now changed, expire date the (already expired) product is now Jun 2012.
Is reliance trying to sell this expired product by faking the date as September 2011? Which is extending the expiry by another 4 months. And to attract customers to purchase this expired product, they announce 50% offer. Who is benefiting from this scam? Is it britannia or reliance? As per retail market policy, expired goods can be returned back to manufacturer, then why reliance isnt doing this? which raises the doubt on britannia, who might have made a deal with reliance.
Can we stop this somehow. I dont know which goverment department will take action on this? even if inform will they take action against a bigretail player? hope media will reveal this to public and create awareness for not going behind such offers from reliance fresh.